how to update breezy 5.10 to dapper 6.06

30 May, 2006
  1. Get the source.list file of dapper from
  2. Switch into x-term
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Enable Xlink in firefox.

18 May, 2006

As we know firefox support xlink. When you open a xml file in firefox, firefox wouldn't treat xlink (for example: <element xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="; />) as a hyperlink. Actually firefox does support xlink, you should set page style to no style. Here is what should be done:

1. Open a xml file.

2. Menu-> View -> Page Style -> No Style.

Ok, it's ugly, but anyway it works.

How to reload .bash_profile

15 May, 2006

When I use putty to login into my linux server, and then switch to another user ‘postgres’. The system didn’t auto reload the user’s enviroment setting. Because I had installed a postgresql database on that server, and I export a lots of enviroment settings in .bash_profile file. If user does not login directly, the system wouldn’t auto reload “.bash_profile” file. You would have to do it yourself. It’s very simple. Use the following command:

source .bash_profile

P2P Web Server

14 May, 2006

I have a new idea about Web server. Now we have serveral kinds of P2P software. For example: Bittorrent, Edonkey, Emule…  If we can build a p2p web server we can save the data on the client and reduce the burden of the web server. When a user want to visit a web page he will try to get it from his computer. If his computer haven't this infomation the p2p web server will auto load from other client. 

Maybe we don't really need a p2p web server. what we need is a p2p database? I don't known. Just an idea.